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788 Factor Racin tweets

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11 years ago


The 10 X Factor Contestants Who Turned Out The Most Successful... http://t.co/HKy4TyKqle


11 years ago

John Bishop

Just watching X Factor - show business is a hard profession but not sure it has to be this cruel. How many people can cry in a single show??


11 years ago

Carlos Peñaloza

RAFAEL POLEO Objetivo d Fidel fue liquidar militares como factor d poder. Para hacerlo ordenó corromperlos, debilitarlos y desnaturalizarlos


11 years ago

Jeff Stelling

Sorry but current X factor format like bear baiting. It is a step too far and turning me off the show.#inhumane


11 years ago

Demi Lovato Brasil

+ (E minha categoria vai ganhar!) - Demi sobre o que esperar o X Factor esse ano.


11 years ago


camila com 14 anos: assistindo camp rock em casa camila com 15: cantando para demi no x factor camila com 16: abrindo a turnê da demi


11 years ago