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A Marine Story Spanish tweets

Alfredo Flores

Shout out to every belieber who snuck into the M&G and/or show & was able to share your story. I can now admit; I helped a fewww!


10 years ago

Justin Bieber

Just went for a night hike. Love nature.


10 years ago

Dan Kanter

Thank you Beliebers. What a tour. #believetour


10 years ago

Alfredo Flores

What a journey. It felt like yesterday being in the studio while JB recorded Catching Feelings and now... the end of the world tour!


10 years ago

Johnny Erasme

156 shows later, the Believe Tour had finally come to an end. What a journey it's been. So blessed to… http://t.co/ExHlh0z8Iu


10 years ago


Here's the press box view at Lions/Eagles. There's a game being played down there somewhere. (via @duciswild) http://t.co/sscF76LWoG


10 years ago

Justin Bieber

@AlfredoFlores your instagrams told a story tonight. #BelieveTourMemories


10 years ago