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A Mie Chemin tweets

Tyler Oakley

[looks at your selfies] [simon cowell voice] it's a no from me


10 years ago

Ariana Grande

also...... I believe I have to post something to my youtube..... I don't want to keep you up but you'll have a surprise in the morning.. ily


10 years ago


☞#RETWEET☜ sigue a los que dan RT✓ ellos te Seguirán✓RT Sigueme DE LEY ☆@gigilety GANARAS seguidores✓ ☞#TrueFamilyGigil- ety☜ ↻DINÁMICA VA!!↺


10 years ago

College Student

Let’s play a game called how long can I put off my assignment until I start stressing out


10 years ago

Ariana Grande

just had a meeting with @scooterbraun @charliewalk and the team about this second album... never been more excited #backtowork


10 years ago

▲Horóscopo Negro▲

#SAGITARIO: encuentras la forma de decir "lo siento" sin pronunciar las palabras concretas. Porque te cuesta a veces. Reconócelo. Lo sabes.


10 years ago

▲Horóscopo Negro▲

#ACUARIO:te ocurren cosas casi surrealistas y a veces ni siquiera tú mismo te das cuenta.Pero no una, muchas.Para ti, lo raro es lo normal.


10 years ago