Adidas Original Trainer Sleek tweets
Sincerely Tumblr
I’m trying to get back to my original weight of 6 pounds and 11 ounces
The original founders of Macy’s died on the Titanic -- They were the old couple in the movie who went to sleep as the ship was sinking.
Sandara Park
Thank u Blackjack Hongkong!!! I love Blackjacks!!! I love Hongkong!!! I love Adidas!!! ♥
#Capricorn's don't forgive easily when wronged and if they do forgive you, you will never be in your original position.
Untold Secrets
The original founders of Macy’s died on the Titanic -- They were the old couple in the movie who went to sleep as the ship was sinking.
adidasのオランダの店がやばい!! 行ってみたい(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡