Adobe Leaves California tweets
When a contestant leaves the show "Hells Kitchen" they are immediately taken for psychiatric evaluation and then a house to get pampered.
to be honest
The worst feeling is when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging, and you have to act like you don't care at all..
Kamus Cewek
When someone makes you feel special then suddenly leaves you hanging&you have to act you don't care #KamusCewek
Sincerely Tumblr
*in principals office* principal: Have a seat. me: thank you *picks up chair and leaves*
Funny Quotes
*leaves class to go to the bathroom* *tours entire school*
Fakta Faktanya WOW!
Seseorang yang sering melamun cenderung mengalami penuaan dini lebih cepat, tanpa mereka sadari. [Penelitian Universitas California]
This dog playing in a pile of leaves will make you realize you've never actually experienced real joy