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Ajans Berna Turkkan Casting tweets

Perfect for you. ♡

Ladies, some guys are always casting for someone to play the fool, make sure you're not auditioning.


10 years ago

Iván Cepeda Castro

2. 'Don Berna': " “Considero injustificado cuando nos tildan de extrema derecha, creo que las autodefensas tenían una propuesta de centro”.


10 years ago

Dan Slott

Greatest comic book casting/performance in ANY super hero movie? J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson in the first 3 SPIDER-MAN movies. #TopThat


10 years ago

Rafael Noguera

"Es innegable nuestro apoyo total a las elecciones presidenciales del doctor Uribe Vélez." don Berna en http://t.co/mlf04V12xT


10 years ago

Iván Cepeda Castro

3. 'Don Berna' afirma que se tomaron el Congreso y que el exsenador Mario Uribe Escobar era parte orgánica de la estructura paramilitar.


10 years ago

Hoodie Allen

...what I mean is with an audience casting such a wide net and high interaction, will they ever regress, and if so what will it look like


10 years ago

Vino G. Bastian

To @VinoGB_friends akan ada open casting utk main di #TabulaRasa Siapapun yg minat lsg follow @TabulaRasaFilm aja utk update Infonya :)


10 years ago