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Aloe Blacc I Need A Dollar Noten tweets

Niall Horan

Lyin in bed thinking! tonight was show #126 I think. And there hasn't been one boring show at all! Never forget #TMHT , love you


11 years ago

Damn Its True!

U lied? I cried. U flirt? I hurt. U forgot? I remembered. U promised? I kept it. U were done? I was trying. U love me? Stop lying.


11 years ago


Ok, voy a hacer una prueba... RT si quereis el ultimo capitulo de Outlast en directo, o Fav si quereis un video como los de siempre. GOGOGO


11 years ago

Nicolás Maduro

Decretaré el 8-D día de la lealtad al legado de Hugo Chávez y del Amor a la Patria.¡¡Día de la Lealtad y del Amor!!! http://t.co/QP9BJQ0sqv


11 years ago

Nicolás Maduro

Dos hombres,dos siglos un solo proyecto,un pueblo,una sola Patria¡Vamos carajo a defenderla!! #AmorYLealtadParaEl8D http://t.co/UAxVBFEFL4


11 years ago

Nicolás Maduro

#AmorYLealtadParaEl8D será un día de Lealtad movilizada,de Amor en Acción del pueblo que jamás le fallará a Chávez!! http://t.co/B950D01H6p


11 years ago

Jai Brooks

I want to marry my bed and make sweet love to it and have some babies with it so I have more beds to sleep on


11 years ago