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Angerer Comfort Balkon Schaukel tweets

Very Short Story

”You want to hold hands?“ said Bill. ”Umm.......Ok.“ said Ken. They both needed a little comfort. It had been a tough staff meeting.


10 years ago

to be honest

You're her boyfriend. If she's crying, hold her. You don't need to say a thing. Just comfort her until she's okay.


10 years ago

ριρєѕ мαℓσиє

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but you've got to keep in mind that nothing ever grows there. Take risks, pursue, make dreams real life.


10 years ago

Uhuru Kenyatta

I ask God to give all of you comfort as you confront this tragedy. My Government will provide the support you will need in the days to come


10 years ago

Ricky Gervais

Some people are threatened by other peoples' empathy for things they don't share. They lash out and deem it wrong to comfort themselves.


10 years ago


Nyctophilia describes a person who loves the darkness and or the night. It helps them better relax & find comfort.


10 years ago

New York Yankees

"He brought comfort to me as a player. He brought comfort to me as a manager." -Joe on Mo. #ExitSandman


10 years ago