Auswanderer Uruguay tweets
The president of Uruguay is the poorest president in the world because he donates 90% of his salary to charity.
The president of Uruguay is the poorest president in the world because he donates 90% of his salary to charity.
Ariel Rodríguez
Messi. Desgarro, out entre 2 y 3 semanas. Se pierde partidos vs.Celtic, Valladolid, Perú, Uruguay y Osasuna. Volvería vs.Milan y Real Madrid
Jesús Casique
Inflación enero-agosto: Vzla 32.9%>Brasil 3.43%.Bolivia 4.2%.Paraguay 1.8%.Ecuador 1.10%. Colombia 1.86%.Chile 1.3%.Perú 2.8%.Uruguay 6.74%.
GANA # MasFollowers MI DINAMICA 11pm Hr/Mex #LatinosEnLaCasa ARG- ENTINA 1 am VENEZUELA 11:30 pm URUGUAY 1 am HONDURAS 10 pm RT RT RT RT
Rodrigo Romano
Barcelona confirma rotura fibrilar de Messi; 2 a 3 semanas de baja, estará ausente ante Uruguay el 15/10 en el duelo de eliminatoria
Jesús Casique
Inflación anualizada: Vzla 45.4%. Perú 3.3%. Chile 2.2%.Colombia 2.27%.Ecuador 2.27%. Paraguay 3.1%.Brasil 6.09%.Bolivia 6.08%.Uruguay 8.86%