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Ban Absolute Vodka tweets

Mark Hoppus

The absolute highest compliment you could ever pay to a piece of recorded music is that it's "almost as good as Jimmy Eat World's "Clarity."


10 years ago

MUITO interessante

Na Rússia é falta de educação recusar vodka. Lá a bebida já foi usada inclusive para pagar professores. #MUITOinteressante


10 years ago

Jimmy Carr

There are plans to ban smoking inside prisons. Yeah, they should be made to go out into the street and do it. Oh no hang on…


10 years ago

10 years ago

Carrie Bradshaw

When life gives you lemonade.. add vodka & lime.


10 years ago

Senator Ted Cruz

Obamacare is an absolute disaster for small businesses #MakeDCListen


10 years ago


So what it Jesus turned water into wine. I turned a whole student loan into vodka once. Your move Jesus...


10 years ago