Beats Studio Versus Bose tweets
Ariana Grande
amazing night in the studio w @KennyEdmonds @leonthomas @itstherascals and my big sis @kellykingsings... singin my heart out!goodnight y'all
Ariana Grande
studio for the night... Christmas time is here early for ariana and the rascals
8 teams remain. #NLDS begins today. #ALDS starts tomorrow. A week from today we'll be down to 4. It's simple: Nothing Beats October.
Madison Beer
this studio session is going soo well today I can't wait for you to hear this one. I'm too excited
Chris Brown Says He’s ‘Hangin with Drake in the Studio’
Love Quotes
When I see you, my heart beats a little faster. My stomach feels a little lighter. My smile shines a little brighter.
Cody Simpson
back in the studio with @Andrew50Watt working on some acoustic jams