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Beer In Canowindra tweets


Did you know one to two beers a day is good for your bones? See the potential health benefits of beer: http://t.co/V5bP6LSTNM


10 years ago

Maci Bookout

i wish i had a dollar for every 'its october' tweet ive seen on my timeline today... i could buy a lot of starbucks... or beer... or both.


10 years ago

Earl Dibbles Jr. ™

If Monday was a person, it would be a croc wearin', Nicklebacks listenin', no beer drinkin', city boy.


10 years ago

Because I'm a Guy

I'm looking for someone who makes me feel confident, strong, and love who I am. That's why I love beer.


10 years ago

Dumb & Dumber Quotes

A place where the beer flows like wine where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. A little place called Aspen.


10 years ago

Cloyd Rivers

If you don't like beer, trucks, country music or Merica, I probably don't like you either.


10 years ago

Country Music Quotes

What's the use of life if you don't live it? You sip your water, I'll drink my beer. #LeeBrice


10 years ago