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Beet Kale Salad tweets

Jee Monay

Mmm, beer! RT@plainJHANE 5 dish vegan meal: Beer glazed carrots/Portabello & wild rice/warm beet salad/apple,kale,tomato & onion sauté/daal


12 years ago

Fresh Fork Market

Apples, Kale and Beet Salad - Shred enough kale to make two cups.  Blanche the kale in boiling salted water for 2-3 ... http://t.co/y52S7R3i


12 years ago


Recipe of the Day: Kale and Roasted Beet Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing! Recipe: http://t.co/pIPZrlqm


12 years ago

Tori Avey

Kale & Roasted Beet Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing: http://t.co/Gzr8zx7C A festive wintery salad for #Hanukkah


12 years ago

Punchfork Feed

The Shiksa: Kale and Roasted Beet Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing http://t.co/4UihM6Tz


12 years ago

Darren J. Glenn

Beet and Kale Salad with Goat Cheese, Carrot Salad with Parsley and Spring Onions, Pan-Roasted Rom http://t.co/R2R3FLzK


12 years ago

Kellie Kitaoka

Refueling after running Diamond Head. Beet & Kale salad, Synergy chia, lobster chowder @ Whole Foods Market http://t.co/t37wxIsv


12 years ago