Bernhard Noll tweets
Athlete Motivation
You can't make a great play unless you do it first in practice. -Chuck Noll
Women Love Sports
Be decisive. A wrong decision is generally less disastrous than indecision. - Bernhard Langer
Kjell Häglund
Nyhetsjournalistik som allra sämst. Noll research, skadligt vilseledande för läsare.
Athlete Life
Be decisive. A wrong decision is generally less disastrous than indecision. - Bernhard Langer
Dr Alice Boyes
A “Before” and “After” Snapshot of Chronic Pain and Illness via @toni_bernhard
Athlete Motivation
You can't make a great play unless you do it first in practice. -Chuck Noll
Bang De'en
LDK di sekolahan jaman sekarang udah.melenceng. Orientasinya cuman uji mental doang. Pelajaran leadershipnya (memimpin sebuah sistem) NOLL!