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Blessed Label Clothing tweets

Om Spik!

#OctoberWish Be blessed , be better . No more tears , full of happiness . Can past the test easily and get a nice score. Amin :')


10 years ago

LeBron James

Today NBA 2K14 released. What y'all think about it? If u haven't picked it up yet go get it! Realest game ever! #VideoGameJames #Blessed


10 years ago

James Yammouni

if you're ever upset or down just watch this and it'll make you laugh, im so blessed I have idiot friends http://t.co/cbbywShMdn-


10 years ago


Somebody died last night, but I didn't, somebody didn't wake up this morning, but I did, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed, retweet if you are too.


10 years ago

God Almighty

Sometimes, I just sit back and realize how blessed I am. God is great. I have amazing people in my life. I shouldn't complain. Praise Him


10 years ago


#OctoberWish more happiness, more blessed, less problem. I want to be stay strong when I have a problem, I can be strong to pass it


10 years ago

Wise Man Si

Never take life for granted. You're blessed to be alive, make it count.


10 years ago