Book Word Count tweets
Rufus-Jenny Triplett
love it, a deadline. Word count? “@LifeWellBlogged: @prisonworld if you would like to get involved in our marriage book,we need posts byTues
RT @antongunasingam: @Book_Thrills Thks Ursula for the RT. really appreciate it. You tweet some great tips for writers. I especially lik ...
Anton Gunasingam
@Book_Thrills Thks Ursula for the RT. really appreciate it. You tweet some great tips for writers. I especially liked the one abt word count
Word count: 70,415. Progress through book: Just over half-way. Energy status: depleted. G'nite future readers! #LegendaryProgress
RT @MJWrightNZ: It's not word count that counts, it's quality #writegoal #wordcount #writers #writetip #writingtips ...
Tonight's Word Count: none. Worked on the book trailer for Part II. Need to get that into the feedback stage soon.
Long Adams
@HeidiBastawros ohh haha the 300 page is a book and I've read 30 pages of it. 1500 is the word count I need for the report