Bose Or Beats tweets
Twitter help needed please. Beats by Dre headphones or Bose headphone? Which makes a better gift? #twitterpoll
Tobyn Horton
Opinions please folks....Beats by dre studio or Bose AE2 Headphones???
Byron Johnson
i wants the red beats pill speaker or bose sound link jawn hmmm
@DJAdvokit ✅
@SoldierKnowBest Mark, what's better for noise cancellation - Beats studios, Ludacris' souls, Bose qc15, Logitech ue6000 or parrot zik?
Tessia Walters
RT @JrHockeyEx: If I can hear your music outside of your Bose or Beats headphones, im going to assume you are a douche bag. #Unnecessary
If I can hear your music outside of your Bose or Beats headphones, im going to assume you are a douche bag. #Unnecessary