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Breyers Smooth And Dreamy tweets

Beautiful Skin

Drinking enough water keeps us hydrated from the inside out, and helps keep our skin healthy, soft, smooth and glowing. Have a glass!


10 years ago

Raisa Andriana

Mau reunian? Biar acara jd #smooth, ajak mnm NESCAFÉ Smoovlatte @IniBaruHidup yg less sugar, more creamy. Beli pake Indomaret Card cuma 5000


10 years ago

Selena Gomez News

Selena's voice is just so special and smooth, that's I love. She doesn't scream or try too hard in any of her songs.


10 years ago

Udderly Smooth

Udderly Smooth #FullMOOn giveaway ending at 9 pm EST 1/15. RT and follow to enter 9 winners US/CA Be #UdderlySmooth


10 years ago

Billy Madison

Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh, really, fool?... REALLY.


10 years ago

10 years ago

Beautiful Skin

Store your eyeliner in the freezer for 15 minutes before use to stop the tip from crumbling and for a smooth application across your skin.


10 years ago