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BBC News (World)

California passes a state law that will enable under-18s to demand that websites delete their personal information http://t.co/i4j8xGRR23


10 years ago

Alyssa Milano

If you upgraded to iOS7, 4 things you should do RIGHT NOW http://t.co/4LOFPV3rLi h/t @TV_Agent #Privacy /via @heykim


10 years ago

Daily Bible

I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down because you alone, O LORD, enable me to live securely. -Psalm 4.8


10 years ago

Adam Baldwin

ICYMI: RT @ZDNet "Four privacy settings you should enable in iOS 7 immediately." - http://t.co/bGDQu1bD4n


10 years ago

Nicol Sara

Deep learning can potentially enable software to work out the emotions or events described in text. http://t.co/zyupKWi8pm @techreview #AI


10 years ago

9to5Mac 

iOS 7 How-to: Reduce parallax motion effects, enable bold text http://t.co/0f5Dv3IzlT


10 years ago

Guy Kawasaki

8 apps that enable you to virtually visit musems http://t.co/nLTUUQiE0x


10 years ago