Calendar Paper Toy tweets
alex thomson
Mail - coming under financial pressure now? Am told no ads today in paper from Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsbury, Waitrose
#sgexamspains After exams, teachers collect paper like sibei slow, eat into your recess, go down canteen for break, need queue very long.
College Student
*Finishes one sentence of paper* That's enough work for today
ヤスコッ!!!!何度言えば分かるの!!それグミじゃない!!- !トイプードル!!!! 英文:Yasuko!!! Why can't you understand it !!! That's a not goumi !!! It's a toy poodle !!!
Phil Lester
Printers never work!! I tried to print something and it just ejected paper everywhere and switched itself off
Funny Tweets
Toilet paper is a perfect example of how "you don't know what you got 'til it's gone."