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Catania Italy Zip Code tweets

The Next Web

Google Summer of Code has produced 50 million lines of open source code from over 8,500 student developers http://t.co/fE5HMRXqqw by @epro


11 years ago

Wiz Khalifa

Sweatpants, leathers, and chucks. Thass the new code


11 years ago

OMG Facts

In Italy, there are pizza inspectors hired by the government to ensure restaurants are making their pizzas at 'Italian quality'


11 years ago

Tom Hiddleston

What you lookin' at, big guy? #Loki #ThorDarkWorld http://t.co/4umv1dpXpo


11 years ago


세균 무기 개발을 위해 잔혹한 생체 실험을 자행한 것으로 악명 높은 일제 ‘731부대’의 당시 실물자료가 국내에서 처음으로 전시됩니다. http://t.co/YihSYBuMZG http://t.co/wutGeDUsol


11 years ago

Novak Djokovic

I saw with my own eyes the huge #Uniqlo store, it's really impressive.Thx to everyone who came to meet me last night… http://t.co/87SFtHbIqT


11 years ago

Novak Djokovic

Did you know that top players in Shanghai have their own,personal locker room?:) welcome to mine! http://t.co/PJuJpexoVg


11 years ago