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Certificat Folie Auto tweets

Rockstar Games

If still having GTA Online tech issues pls visit our reg updated @rockstarsupport status article http://t.co/ZAaLtLMHLw Sub for auto updates


10 years ago

Kevin Pereira

GTA Online keeps telling me I can buy cars for thee game... No. NO! YOU ARE GRAND. THEFT. AUTO!


10 years ago

‏‏ ‏

tirando colica, tpm, mestruaçao, frescura, problemas com cabelo, corpo, auto estima, engravidar e etc ser menina é otimo


10 years ago


Grand Theft Auto made him do it: Man rammed 9 cars and kidnapped a woman because, GTA http://t.co/x25UMUERGR


10 years ago

Gaming Facts & Humor

Meet the voice actors for Trevor, Franklin, and Michael in Grand Theft Auto 5. http://t.co/aDX9WllwaU


10 years ago

Tu vida en imágenes.

Un aplauso para aquella mujer que no se fija en los músculos, apellido, auto, ni billetera, solo en el corazón. http://t.co/8PnHyY0UAM


10 years ago


16 things you should know when playing Grand Theft Auto V! http://t.co/KZGqrZWLuz


10 years ago