China Solar Water Heater tweets
Justin Bieber
Loved China. Tokyo Japan tonight was incredible. Next up is Korea!! Gonna be good. #believetour
Girl Code
if i ever tell u that something is my favorite song dont listen to me im a liar i have more favorite songs than there are babies in china
no plz
"i'm not a hipster but i can make your hips stir" i'm not water but i will drown you
お、久しぶりにフォトショっぽいの配信された http://-
Postureo Madrid
El futuro de España: tú con tu familia en una tienda de frutos secos en China viendo Aquí No Hay Quién Viva en el portátil.
Já pensou em tatuar "made in China" pra combinar com a falsidade gata?