Zend Framework Blog tweets
Rafael CorrêaGomes ♛
Update: Zend Framework Vulnerability Security Update http://t.co/0QYXZM9Y via @sharethis
Yassin O
Zend Framework 2 : Using Zend Framework 1 libraries « Welcome to Abdul Malik Ikhsan's Blog http://t.co/RBp5j5rE
Willian Campideli
RT @weierophinney: Just pushed the bits on #zf2 2.0.5: http://t.co/8rykcRV9 -- thanks to @fabpot for the security report!
Thomas Mauduit-Blin
Zend Framework 2.0.5 Released! - http://t.co/VmuAoLEV #zend
Yassin O
The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Zend Framework 2.0.5! http://t.co/h7JmFUo6
Daniel Sousa
Top story: ZF2 Zend Framework 2.0.5 Released! - Zend Framework - Zend Framework http://t.co/khBH7sdz, see more http://t.co/Cm3QuseD
Daniel Sousa
RT @weierophinney: Just pushed the bits on #zf2 2.0.5: http://t.co/8rykcRV9 -- thanks to @fabpot for the security report!