Dap Malaysia tweets
Malaysia Terkini
Innocence of Muslims: Nik Aziz takut DAP http://t.co/jJsqZQqd
RT @tanjooilong: 66 to fight for 20 DAP CEC positions | FMT http://t.co/3L6ifr8s #Malaysia @billtay25 @leongyookkong @mitchelltai @non ...
Malaysia Terkini
Innocence of Muslims: Nik Aziz takut DAP http://t.co/jJsqZQqd
Syukri Nor
RT @meera_rin: If DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too should quit BN - Malaysia Kini: Malaysia KiniIf DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too s... http://t.co ...
If DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too should quit BN - Malaysia Kini: Malaysia KiniIf DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too s... http://t.co/NoM9YMoE #ge13
Asmawisham Alel
If DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too should quit BN - Malaysia Kini http://t.co/y9Xck6QZ
RT @KL_news: If DAP quits Pakatan, MCA too should quit BN - Malaysia Kini http://t.co/WCZseFOg