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Cougar 2 Yacht tweets


Thunder All-Star G Russell Westbrook will play tonight, at least 2 weeks ahead of schedule from knee surgery in October.


10 years ago

Justin Bieber

so let's try this again. #BadDay is out in 2...hours. lol. oops. GET READY!!


10 years ago

Because I'm a Guy

Top ten things men understand about women. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


10 years ago

Adam Schefter

2. More Incognito to Martin: "I saw you on Twitter, you been training ten weeks. (I want to) (expletive) in your (expl) mouth....


10 years ago

AFC Ajax

Wil jij woensdag naar de Champions League-topper Ajax - Celtic? RETWEET en je maakt kans op 2 kaarten! #ikwilkaarten


10 years ago


Hail to the Fullback! Darrel Young not 1, not 2, but 3 TDs!


10 years ago

Jai Brooks

Today is 4th of November, the 2 year anniversary of Awkward Train Situations. The video that blew all of the YouTube stuff off. Let's cry


10 years ago