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Cycles Bikes Gr tweets

Mario Teguh

Tapi Oooom! Aku ini ganteng!!! – Betul, memang lebih baik GR daripada minder. 1000% lanjutkan!!!


10 years ago

Rude Comedian

I wonder how police on bikes arrest people, "Alright, get in the basket."


10 years ago

Mind of a Loner

the endless cycle of not knowing how to feel and not knowing what to say & still finding as many ways as cycles to get yourself hurt


10 years ago

Simon Pegg

Mad year. FR, CH, UK, FR, CH, FR, CH, UK, CA, UK, DE, US, SA, UK, CE, UK, NZ, AU, US, UK, GR, UK, US, UK, AU, UK, DE, AT, DE, AT, DE, UK.


10 years ago


Bnyk wanita yg “bersikap baik” bkn berarti ia menyukai seseorang, bs jadi krn karakternya seperti itu, baik pd semua orang.Jngn GR dulu.


10 years ago

Tim O'Reilly

Fight bike theft with an open source bike registry http://t.co/OUuvWTsTuX I didn't realize bikes had serial numbers to track!


10 years ago

Steve Prescott MBE

Love being stuck in hospital! especially when u find out someone has broke into ur shed @ home, stolen the kids bikes. #kidsgutted


10 years ago