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Database Software Kasir tweets

Lowongan Kerja Riau

http://t.co/2HXMUZUFc7 Lowongan Kerja Quality Assurance / Software Tester @ PT. Media Dokter Investama


10 years ago

Lowongan Kerja Yogya

http://t.co/ZicFxhxD7N Lowongan Kerja Developer / Software Engineers @ PT. Dunia Ide Optimalis


10 years ago

I Am Devloper

Watching people pay for Anti-virus software is like someone being tricked into buying an Air Guitar.


10 years ago

Wall Street Journal

Apple said 200+ million devices are now running on its new iOS7 system, fastest software upgrade in history. http://t.co/GkYTAyAt6v #AAPL


10 years ago

Michel Pesquera

Felicidades a todos los que compren un iPhone 5s, Apple compartirá su huella digital a la Agencia Nacional de seg. http://t.co/I67xUn0Y6B


10 years ago

Edward Snowden

I can confirm that not only will the NSA have your iPhone 5S fingerprints but so will local law enforcement. http://t.co/e8LTvyioDn


10 years ago


A San Francisco strip club is suing Oracle, saying the software giant refuses to pay a whopping $33,540 tab: http://t.co/R2YivXNEVA


10 years ago