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Dementia And Sodium tweets

Fakta Faktanya WOW!

Membaca mencegah penyakit pikun atau Dementia (Kompas)


11 years ago

UK Prime Minister

PM: Encouraging news today on scientific breakthrough on #Alzheimers. UK continuing to lead world in #dementia research. #G8Dementia


11 years ago

Facts Guide

Lack of face-to-face social contact increases a person's chances of heart disease, stroke, and dementia.


11 years ago

Health & Wellness

Salt is something that your body needs in moderation. Avoid these high-sodium foods to stay healthy http://t.co/XXtoyK3ybS


11 years ago

Ruth Langsford

Vote & RT for @alzheimerssoc to win £50k to help support people with dementia in the @PostcodeLottery #VoteThatCounts http://t.co/7qOwagCHjb


11 years ago

Active Ingredients

Skincare Ingredients to Avoid: Parabens Benzoyl Peroxide Dioxin Phthalates So- dium Lauryl Sulfate F,D and C Color Pigments CHECK LABELS!


11 years ago

ITV News

"My name is Philip - and I have dementia" An Alzheimer's sufferer writes about his frustrations and fears http://t.co/lt1usvCyKV


11 years ago