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Dental Referral Program tweets

Senator Harry Reid

We can't allow House Republicans to gut the food stamps program. This small amount of assistance prevents hunger. http://t.co/Y6P9H3VJ42


10 years ago

S. B. Yudhoyono

3 agenda utama program pendidikan Lemhanas adalah: Pancasila, Kepemimpinan Nasional dan Pendidikan.


10 years ago

Athlete Motivation

I'm working for the Lord, & even though the Lord's pay isn't very high, his retirement program is. -George Foreman


10 years ago


#Sweden's mass surveillance program: GCHQ brags about partnering with Sweden to deploy mass surveillance http://t.co/W7gFzSQQLD


10 years ago

S. B. Yudhoyono

Presiden SBY berikan pembekalan pd peserta program reguler angkatan 49-50 & program singkat angkatan 19 Lemhanas. http://t.co/UQWbNjmXav


10 years ago

Life Cheatingâ„¢

Don't rush through college. Prepare extra time for it. Out of all USA college students who start a 4 year program, half finish… in 6 years.


10 years ago

Washington Post

UPDATE: Egyptian station drops "Daily Show"-like program and host @drbassemYoussef leaves country http://t.co/nxj54E0x01


10 years ago