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Dentists Nhs Glasgow tweets

The Independent

The truth about ‘health tourism’?Twice as many foreign visitors pay to use NHS as exploit free healthcare http://t.co/NiFv0nuA5y


10 years ago

Bangkok Hospital

"การบริโภคไข่แดงเป็นประจำ เสี่ยงทำให้ความหนาของหลอดเลือ- ดแดงเพิ่มขึ้นเท่ากับการสูบบุห- รี่" /source: nhs.uk


10 years ago

Éoin Clarke

You are now tuned into Saturday Footy. Tories know this. It's why £250 million of ur NHS has just been put up 4 sale https://t.co/vE6DN0z1oB


10 years ago


I'm playing my first ever Scotland show tonight in Glasgow at The Arches. Don't miss it!!! :)


10 years ago

John Grumble

My students could not name the person in charge of the NHS. But they had all heard that the NHS is unsustainable. Goebbels would be proud.


10 years ago

The Guardian

Patient safety under threat, say staff at 74% of English NHS hospitals http://t.co/SygXEbv0xo


10 years ago

Luath Press

RT to WIN #BloodCity Crime Book Bundle! BLOOD CITY: fierce, all too believable, Glasgow crime thriller. 99p on Kindle http://t.co/fqL4AEKBcQ


10 years ago