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Dotted Swiss Fabric tweets

Anne Curtis-Smith

For those who NEED IMMEDIATE RESCUING please try to place a WHITE piece of fabric/blanket on the most visible portion of your house


10 years ago

informasi Lengkap

Swiss adalah negara dengan perolehan gaji rata-rata tertinggi di dunia, yaitu sekitar 62 juta rupiah per bulan. #7d


10 years ago

Fakta Faktanya WOW!

Rata-rata gaji guru di Swiss adalah 75,000 dolar (sekitar Rp 720 juta) per tahun.


10 years ago

Beasiswa Indonesia

RT @MasterScholars: http://t.co/YHCodfL0sg beasiswa Fakultas Science University of Geneva SWISS, mau? :) ~0923


10 years ago

Fakta Google

Di Swiss, ada partai politik bernama 'Partai Anti Powerpoint', yg bekerja utk mengurangi penggunaan Powerpoint dalam presentasi profesional.


10 years ago

Philippine Red Cross

For those who NEED IMMEDIATE RESCUING please try to place a WHITE piece of fabric/blanket on the most visible portion of your house.


10 years ago

BBC News (World)

Swiss voters want to keep compulsory military service, exit polls from latest referendum suggest http://t.co/7gWXNe9h0N


10 years ago