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Dublin Restaurant tweets

Caroline Coates

@Nigella_Lawson Hi Nigella! Would be really grateful to have a recommendation for a restaurant or two in Dublin please! Thank you.


11 years ago

Christine Sayer

RT @patomahony1: #lostandfound #Dublin RT @skinflintDUBLIN Does anyone know a Jason Flynn? Wallet found in the restaurant.


11 years ago

Noelle D

Went to a Mexican restaurant in Dublin. It was actually pretty alright. I'm getting desperate.


11 years ago


Fantastic story by Irish guy in red chair at end of Graham Norton Show. In Dublin restaurant with gf for anniversary, spots Bono + friend...


11 years ago

Jonny Grossmark

My first day of marriage epic story . Arrive in Dublin and I am not feeling well. In a restaurant and have the first course


11 years ago

Bronagh Mc Cabe

That should have been ME in that restaurant in Dublin BUT NOOOO it had to be a dopey man


11 years ago


RT @patomahony1: #lostandfound #Dublin RT @skinflintDUBLIN Does anyone know a Jason Flynn? Wallet found in the restaurant.


11 years ago