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Patriot 2hr Gun Safe tweets


Just lost 800 followers but its worth it! Cause Flynn's scene when he shoots Saul with the gun in his cane HAS TO BE TALKED ABOUT!!! #Br ...


10 years ago

Citizen Radio

On #CitizenRadio: White House tied to NSA oversight, gun violence in Chicago and causes of Detroit's power outages http://t.co/2CoiTgrBYg


10 years ago

My Love ❤

I'd rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else. I'd rather be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself.


10 years ago

ali osman

Surekli 4-5 kisi halinde hic ayrilmadan gezen kiz gruplari var hep guluyorlar bi gun yakalarina yapisip niye bu kadar mutlusunuz amk dicem


10 years ago


Why do we feel safe under blankets? It's not like a murderer will come in thinking "I'm gonna ki..- ahh f*ck! He's under a blanket."


10 years ago

Comedy Tweets

Love is like handing someone a gun, having them point it at your heart and trusting them never to pull the trigger.


10 years ago


one day an insane person is going to threaten me with a gun and im going to make some stupid joke and that's how my life will end


10 years ago