27 November Shirt tweets
Marissa Roskowske
Day 27: my pjs are my bball shorts from 6th grade and slippers. also a shirt lol. #november http://t.co/RDhNJBKJ
Julia Bilinski
Saw someone wearing a #Kony2012 shirt today, November 27, 2012. Is that still even a thing?
Shirts Make The Guy
Watch Out, @radiomaru! It's that one guy, a #ScottPilgrim shirt & an awesome birthday present! http://t.co/a3EyoQqO
Seth Dolezal
No Shave November : Day 27. My #BFM shirt still has more facial hair than I do....
Chris Doucette
Tuesday November 27 Elfy was chillin with our @jparencibia9 @greggzaun @Buck_Martinez and more signed shirt #elfy http://t.co/F9C9CaK3
Liam Fox
No shoes, No shirt, No Problems... except when you're in Nova Scotia on November 27