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Clarity: How To Get It, How To Keep It & How To Use It to Balance Your LIfe #kindle #selfhelp #clarity $7.99/£7.15
Kiara Krawec
@kt_tellitasitis @kelseydunsire Not even... waaaaay bigger screen and waaaaay better clarity. And you still get the same apps! #youloser :)
Wake up at 5 this morning in a moment of clarity able identify the cause of my stress, get up to sort it and my laptop starts playing up!
Troy Goodfellow
@Alex_Connolly It had a great ambience and feel. But too little variety or clarity. Plus, too easy to get by Ed Wood quality films.
Willyt Troublefield
Don’t make this mistake -- Wake up a year later and be doing the same thing that is making you miserable. Get clarity here:...
RT @Ceeurah: somethings I will never understand or get clarity on, guess I wasnt meant to.