Gfi Faxmaker Kurulumu tweets
Global Fin Integrity
The rest of the world took US$1.4 billion more from Africa than it gave. Africa is a net creditor to the world. #FTCDar2013
Global Fin Integrity
Cargill may have used #PhantomFirms to break #Colombia law on land buying, says @Oxfam. via @Reuters. #Cargill
Trevor Leybourne
Some stories I am sure we can all relate to! The 31 Worst Face-Palm Moments in IT via @sharethis
Kevin Landale
RT @ICT_GURU: One for all you IT peeps...or ex IT people! “@GFISoftware: Here are an IT consultant’s 31 worst face-palm moments – http://t.…
LJ: 10 Filler Machine Operators - GFI Manpower International Specialist
stephanie rangel
@KailLowry good luck sounds weird but if it's right for you than who else needs to be on board gfi