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Gnome 3 Shell tweets

Ryan Tyller

Unity>Gnome shell 3 #unpopularOpinion


12 years ago

Fasih Ahmad Fakhri

But why r u in Gnome 2.x. Have u ever try 3.x called Gnome Shell? Most of the people r not compat wid #Gnome #Shell. Wat u say? @msnamit


12 years ago

Ferramosca Roberto

Gnome Shell 3.8 e il nuovo tool Privacy http://t.co/Thn94ufK #gnome3 #tools #news #gnome #linux #update #gnomeshell


12 years ago

Ask Ubuntu

Gnome shell maximizes "large" windows: It seems gnome-shell (3.6.1) maximizes large windows. I.e. if the last n... http://t.co/h16fXrk5


12 years ago

Ask Ubuntu

Cannnot install extensions from http://t.co/a7LKoPTQ: I'm now using GNOME Shell 3.5.4 on Ubuntu 12.04.1 Desktop ... http://t.co/3wr5LvQj


12 years ago

12 years ago


A preview in Modal Dialogs in Gnome Shell 3.8 Overview | woGue http://t.co/PRHx6GYH via @WorldofGnome


12 years ago