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10 years ago

Kiran Bedi

Just a 100 Union Secretaries of 51 Ministries in GOI can dry up the corrupt-polit-coffers if they not only 'propose' but obstruct dishonesty


10 years ago

Kiran Bedi

Let GOI ask for info from Swiss+Tax Havens abt Indians who HAD $€Moneys stashed in their Banks.By now there may not b any HAVES!(Wired Out)


10 years ago

Subramanian Swamy

GOI has now got legal opinion to enable cancellation of the Italian helicopter deal. House cleaning before BJP comes to power !!


10 years ago

Nicola Zingaretti

In questi anni sono stati già tagliati alla sanità 30 miliardi di euro. Al Governo chiediamo di tagliare sprechi, non il diritto a salute


10 years ago

Andy Goram

Craig Mather steps down from Rangers position...it's started..just before the AGM.SOMEONE JUST TELL THE TRUTH AND TELL US WHAT'S GOI TRUTH!


10 years ago

Il Diavolo Ψ

Fu appena Dio disse:«Luce!» che un'orda di anziani era già pronta per mettersi in fila alle poste e negli studi dei medici.


10 years ago