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Gym Diary Joke tweets

High School Problems

me: *laughs* parents: what's so funny what's going on who are u talking to can i see what's the joke what are you trying to hide from us


10 years ago

Anti Joke Apple

”Smells fresh. Like a tropical island.” "Ok. Now take off the blindfold! Your family's been dead in this car for a week! We Febrezed it."


10 years ago


夕方から気温急降下 本州の山も初冠雪か http://t.co/rBVDHUD02I 今日も、最高気温はこの時期としては高い見込み。東京都心を含- め、関東から西では真夏日の所もあり、季節はずれの暑さが続き- ます。ただ、夕方からは一気に気温が下がります...


10 years ago

♔Sorry N♡T Sorry♔

*runs for 30 seconds* my body stay vicious i be up in the gym just working on my fitness he’s my witness.


10 years ago

daniel sahyounie

Selfie after gym ;) http://t.co/c2TbvZEbBu


10 years ago

Girl Code

i was gonna make a joke about sodium and hydrogen, but NaH…


10 years ago

James Arthur

..has given me, not to mention the fans I have gained across the globe.. And in one joke made during an interview with the SUN (ironically)


10 years ago