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Luke Hemmings

I'd find a way to make you stay


10 years ago

Girl Code

I'd rather hear a guy say, "I made plans for us" instead of the usual... "I don't know, it's whatever you wanna do"


10 years ago

true tweets

I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be.


10 years ago

サザエbot iOS7

それとiOS7ではパスコードロックしないとSafariに保- 存された様々なサイトのパスワードやクレカ情報が丸見えになる- から要注意よ。もしロックしたくなければ「設定」→「Safa- ri」→「パスワードと自動入力」→「ユーザ名とパスコード・- クレジットカード」の2項目をオフにしなさい。


10 years ago


F is for friends who don’t talk to you U is for Ur alone. N is for never having any plans at all, all you do is sit at home...


10 years ago

true tweets

it's funny how if u get an A on a test, ur grade goes up like 2 percent, but if u get an F on a test, your grade goes down like the Titanic


10 years ago

It's A Teen Thing!

I'd do anything in this world to know if you still love and care about me.


10 years ago