Clamping Levers tweets
SEO Tweetz
RT @MidWestDigital1: Even though #google is clamping down on #APIs, #SEO's still need rank tracking data @sewatch
Mid-West Digital
Even though #google is clamping down on #APIs, #SEO's still need rank tracking data @sewatch
@Tracey_Ann_C @hippy_jon Tell me about it. I have developed a system of levers & pulleys to compensate, like Wallace from W & G
Blue Collar Links
Despite APIcalypse SEOs Still Need Rank Tracking Data: Google is clamping own on how tool owners use their APIs....
very mcgugin
@neilwilson1983 @thomwilde im pretty good a pulling levers (mrs) and tanning it t'other end of the room to walk through a time locked door.