Hotel Lopar Rab tweets
History In Pictures
Romance in Paris: 'The Kiss by the Hotel de Ville', by R. Doisneau. 1950
official JKT48
[INFO] Teman2 di Batam siap2 sambut konser "JKT48 Action!" Minggu 13 Oktober 2013 di Ballroom Pacific Hotel Batam. More info: @insbreak_team
Was the most awesome sight when I saw the pyramids from my hotel during Suraj hua madham...and now Chennai Exp in Egypt...feels really good.
Neil Patrick Harris
NY hotel living is expensive. Coffee, oatmeal, berries: $47.00! American dollars! How can that be possible?!?
Dan Kanter
And the award for all-time best hotel brunch buffet goes to the hotel we are currently staying at! #shanghai
Jesús Robles Maloof
Civiles con radio que colaboran con policias para realizar detenciondes. Hotel Meliá. #2DeOctubreNoSeOlvida 6:43 pm
Steve Stifler
Dinner: $60 Drinks: $30 Taxi: $20 Hotel: $300 ... The look on your face when she tells you she's on her period, PRICELESS.