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How Can I Upgrade My Bbm tweets


@BlackBerryHelp I upgraded my OS and all my bbm contacts have been wiped off. App world is refusing to upgrade my ID. Please help.


10 years ago


UPGRADE NICE!!!!! BB 9900 Bold  RT"@Mokgweetsi: I need your bbm pins again my friends cc@chawamokhuni, @dicanio2012, @gase_stan. Inbox me☺"


10 years ago

Fifi ^^

@vitautis @Monika_Permata suwi2 kok ngilfeel.i rek plis laaahh iki sedih lhooo :') hpku blm di upgrade, ak juga males pakek bbm :')


10 years ago

Dedy - Jual Kaos

Horee... BBM for Android nya udah upgrade sekarang sudah bisa mengkategorikan kontak2. I Like it. http://t.co/k77fHEYuUI


10 years ago