Ice Tea Vodka Austin Tx tweets
Phoenix Coyotes
Wow. Goalie Mike Smith just scored a goal that traveled the length of the ice and crossed the line with less than 1 second left in the game!
Life Pro Tips
Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff
"fui tomar juizo so tinha vodka hahahah" nossa q engraçadão vc hein cara parabens toma aqui um cd do parangolé
sad stori: litel boi: dady ken i hav sum ice creem dad: sry sun fagits do'nt get ice creem rt if u cri evrytiem
Conseil de Vie
Ajouter de la vodka dans votre shampooing peut renforcer vos cheveux, le cuir chevelu, prévenir et arrêter les pellicules.
Sabías que...
Un pangrama es un texto que usa todas las letras del alfabeto en una frase: Aquel biógrafo se zampó un extraño sándwich de vodka y ajo.
Megan Nicole
Heard about Austin Mahone being really sick...wishing him a speedy recovery #GetWellSoon