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Ich Hasse Die Lacher In Sitcoms tweets


School for 12 years College for 4 years Then you work until you die. Great. Just Great.


10 years ago


Every time I see the word "Explain" on an exam, I die a little inside.


10 years ago

Unrevealed Facts

Elephants can die of a broken heart if a mate dies. They refuse to eat and will lay down, shedding tears until they starve to death.


10 years ago

Story Of My Life!

You text me I respond 15 seconds later and apparently you die of excitement because 2 hours later I'm still waiting for a response


10 years ago

Ricky Dillon

Oh good Jc's been tweeting well okay yeah btw Jc didn't die it was a joke he gotcha dang jc


10 years ago

Funny Tweets

If I pay $30 for a haunted house I better die.


10 years ago

kyIie jenner

the world is over populated and some of you need to die


10 years ago