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Inches To Feet tweets


Alright, who's the wise guy that decided to make the beam four inches wide and four feet above the ground? #fessup #gymnasticsproblems


11 years ago

Justin Herr

@Josh_Herr haha I mean it's 3 feet off the ground, I reached and touched up to ten feet seven and a half inches


11 years ago

mike black

RT @SCSportsReport: Weddington has 2 kids that are 6 feet 8 inches tall, gotta be a way to use that more to their advantage.


11 years ago

Tripp Roakes

Weddington has 2 kids that are 6 feet 8 inches tall, gotta be a way to use that more to their advantage.


11 years ago

Κaitlyn Conway

Alright, who's the wise guy that decided to make the beam four inches wide and four feet above the ground? #fessup #gymnasticsproblems


11 years ago

Giselle Da Silva

RT @Zermzy: Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I would like at least three - four inches added to my height. Yours truly, only 5 feet tall.


11 years ago

Zerimar Soto

Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I would like at least three - four inches added to my height. Yours truly, only 5 feet tall.


11 years ago