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Infintigo Infection tweets

Google Facts

if you go to a clinic or ER within 72 hours of exposure and take the PEP drug regimen, you can prevent infection with HIV/AIDS.


10 years ago

New Scientist

HIV infection figures tumble around the world http://t.co/e1iKQj2nhD


10 years ago

Will Ferrell

Can't decide which is worse: Bieber Fever, or this new One Direction Infection.


10 years ago

Elton John AIDS Foun

To end AIDS we must increase society’s understanding of HIV infection and obliterate stigma. RT=Spread the word #LoveIsInMyBlood


10 years ago

Khairy Jamaluddin

First, allergic reaction to medication. Now, eye infection. Hmm... Shades are uber camp, though.


10 years ago

average joe.

Sin is an infected wound. Picking at it doesn't help heal it. Indulging in sin only prolongs time for more infection. Christ is the cure.


10 years ago

Rastafari Movement

Hate is a sickness of the mind, wash the infection clean with OVERSTANDING and let LOVE be your daily preventative medicine.


10 years ago