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Knee Walker tweets


Deffo gonna do about 3 laps of sponsored walk whether my knee likes it or not jus cause I'm a dedicated sponsored walker #5thyearrunning


10 years ago

Goodbye Crutches

Knee Walker Coupon http://t.co/SPDUe6Hohb Save your arms and your wallet


10 years ago

Goodbye Crutches

What to look for in a Knee Walker http://t.co/qi56ysRcyn #video #crutches


10 years ago

Shane hayes

RT @yatesas: @ChrisTorpy @stottystoat @jasonbalkin @sh_hayes OMG Taylor Walker has done his knee!


10 years ago

Andrew Yates

@ChrisTorpy @stottystoat @jasonbalkin @sh_hayes OMG Taylor Walker has done his knee!


10 years ago

House of Salmi

"Walker on the day I put him down. You can see his far front knee, how big it is compared to his other one. This... http://t.co/lJXHiVkseY


10 years ago

a l e x.

@Call_Me_Kits its actually super awful, ny friend just got his knee replaced. He has physical therapy everyday and he uses a walker.


10 years ago