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Lg Dual Sim 300 tweets


why spend like $300 dollars on a pair of shoes do u know how many chicken nuggets u can buy with that money


10 years ago

Renato Russo

"O importante não é ser importante, mas sim dar importância para aqueles que se importam com você."


10 years ago

Female Struggles

why spend like $300 dollars on a pair of shoes do u know how many chicken nuggets u can buy with that money


10 years ago

Yusuf Mansur dan Ibu

Puasa bsk ahad&snn, itung2 ngehormatin yg lg pd haji. Kan kalo ngehormatin, nanti dihormatin. Artinya? Nanti diberi ksmpatan haji.


10 years ago

Yusuf Mansur dan Ibu

Puasa hr Tarwiah tgl 8 zulhijah, bsk Ahad jatuhnya. Hr itu jamaah Haji insyaaAllah lg di Mina. Ikut berpuasa, sapa tau diundang ke Haji.


10 years ago


cuspir no prato que comeu tudo bem, agora voltar a comer no prato cuspido, aí sim fica feio


10 years ago


Ini bukan hanya tentang rasa,bukan lg tentang mimpi indah bersama, tapi lebih ketika aku sudah terlanjur menjatuhkan takdirku padamu


10 years ago